电容储能式SAW —D型系列螺柱焊机 设备的很多功能已达到和超过国外同类产品,可在低碳钢、不锈钢、铝和铜等金属板材上直接焊植各种螺钉,操作简单、使用方便、焊接牢固不变形。可广泛应用于汽车制造、船舶制造、机械制造、五金加工、建筑装饰灯各种行业。
Successfully working out SAW-D series of capacitance discharge stud welding equipment. It has high quality. Bolts can be directly used in stainless steel, aluminums, copper etc. its operation is simple and convenient. The equipment can be widely used in the manufacture of automobile, airplane, ship and mechanism etc.
Max.welding current can reach 1500A.